NimProd is an independent comic publisher created by Nimesh Morarji. Our goal is to tell stories in new ways from the unique perspective of seasoned comic creator. We strive to present stories that are both familiar and innovative at the same time. We hope that you’ll join us on this crazy and exciting journey into the world of comics!

Nimesh Morarji (Creator, Colorist, Letterer, Logo and Artist)
Nimesh is a professional digital colorist. He has had his colorist work published through a lot of Indie and self-publishing comics. Nimesh created the Nimprod Universe alongside Chuck Amadori and they brought Snake, Lucita and Xibalba to life. You can chat with Nimesh on Twitter (@nimesh_art) or like his page on Facebook (Nimesh_art1) and on Instagram(

Chuck Amadori (co-creator, writer Letterer and Publisher)
Chuck is mainly a writer and owns Isle Squared Comics, a imprint he created. Chuck accepted Nimesh’s challenge to bring the characters we love and cherish to life. You can follow Chuck on Twitter (@zarran67) and on Facebook (neuralclone).